
Interim Results

For the six months ended 31 December 2023

2023 Integrated Annual Report

ESG Reporting

Find out more about our ESG reporting and commitment to SDGs

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Urban spaces, modern villages

Hyprop creates spaces and connects people.

We own and manage dominant retail centres in mixed-use precincts, in key economic nodes
within South Africa and Eastern Europe.

Our modern villages connect:
Digital and bricks and mortar | Community and individuals | New
and familiar | Experiences and connection

Investment case

“While Covid-19 has changed our operating environment, we have ensured that our strategies and key priorities remain relevant”. Morné Wilken (CEO)


We take inspiration from our context and community

to create an experience that feels authentic and grounded.

Pioneering conscious retail

We have a positive impact on the world around us
Our shopping centres are places to connect. They’re the modern town square, creating communities and setting the scene for life
We design for people planet and profit whilst keeping sustainability at our heart


Making every experience exceptional

We are about more than stores
We are more than property managers
We are leaders in building relationships, creating exceptional places and experiences that excite and inspire our community


Keeping it real

We ensure friction-free, seamless environments
We understand and serve the needs of all our people and stakeholders
We create spaces authentic to their location


Insights hub

Culture and connection

5 Minute read

People connecting with each other is one of our most basic needs, and yet as humankind “modernises”, it’s a value that’s in increasingly short supply. So, why is this and what is Hyprop doing that could make a difference to the people who visit our centres?The social dynamics behind growing disconnection are many and perhaps the “exponential catalyser” in recent years has been technology and more specifically the growth of social media (“SOME”).


Repositioning of our centres

5 Minute read

Consumer preferences and habits are evolving, accelerated in recent years by the growth of e-commerce and Covid-19, and of course, climate change. Growing awareness among people from all walks of life that climate change represents perhaps the challenge of our time – outside of catastrophic war – is reshaping much of what we do, and how we do it.